| With its gravity-defying effect, this is a scientific toy that feels like magic! |
| | A fascinating visual device that defies description! |
| | This is a modern replica of the oldest instrument in the world which is known to be a compass. |
| With Magic Penny Magnets and some everyday objects, you can perform feats that even top scientists and engineers have found amazing! |
| | This elegant perspex spinning top has a spindle that is magnetic. This allows a most intriguing action to occur. |
| | The 3D Compass is a clever little device that follows the earth's magnetic field in three dimensions! |
| Skill Flux uses ultra high purity aluminium. The magnetic ball moves faster through the aluminium tube that it would through copper, so these faster... |
| | Drop the ultra-strong magnetic ball inside one of the the aluminium tubes, and experience just how slowly the ball falls. Although the ball is not... |
| | The Inverter Magnet is an amazing new discovery that until recently only existed in science fiction! |
| Developed back in the 1970s, with ideas that it might become a replacement for paper, this paper makes magnetic fields visible. |
| | Roll the loose ball bearing down the track. Then something unexpected happens... |
| | Developed back in the 1970s, with ideas that it might become a replacement for paper... |